What Kind Of Freezer Should I Get?

Frozen no longer have to be the same size as everyone else. Now, everything can be customized to meet the requirements of Bangladeshi families. With so many options, shoppers are now faced with the difficult decision of which freezer to get.
Samsung fridge


Your final verdict will be influenced by factors like the dimensions and decor of your kitchen, the number of people living there, and the type of food you cook. Transcom Digital is here to help you navigate through all the refrigeration options available to search the best solution for you.

Top-mount refrigerator

The most popular type of freezer in Bangladesh, top-mount refrigerators, is among the most economically viable. Top-mount refrigerators continue to dominate the freezer market. The freezer features LED lighting, tempered glass, and a twist Ice maker in the fridge compartment.

Bottom-mount refrigerator

The bottom-mount refrigerator models are for those looking for an alternative to the traditional freezer setup. These freezers' logical design means that the most common meal items are easily accessible and eye-level. Even the bottle of milk is on the bottom shelf.

In recent years, there has been an increase in the variety of bottom-mount versions. This allows shoppers to choose from a broader range of specifications and prices. Spill-proof glass shelves. Ready with right- and left-hand openings. They have specialized storage compartments.

Side-by side

If you don't require to trouble which part is accessible, a side-by-side version might be the answer. Both the freezer and refrigerator parts run to the full height of your system. This gives you much-needed racking in your refrigerator part, as it also reduces the width of swinging doors.

Side-by side’s freezers can give several characteristics, such as ice and water containers. This makes it much more comfortable to apply and reduces the number of events the freezer doors open and close.

This freezer adds more features to these capabilities, including an ice water dispenser that can be used with any size container. Innovative technology can increase ice making or freeze for up to 24 hours.

French door and 4-door freezers

French-door and four-door freezers offer a similar layout as side-by-side freezers but with more access options. These freezers may have slightly different designs. The freezers feature a freezer section with two doors opening outwards that provide uninterrupted access to the whole freezer cavity.

The bottom section of the refrigerator system will have two doors, which are identical to each other. Or one or more refrigerator drawers that can slide out horizontally.

Refrigerator price in Bangladesh can be used for large families or homes that host lots of guests. This refrigerator has a self-closing drawer, holiday power-efficient mode, and a half-width dairy compartment with a lid. Families can access the entire contents of the freezer and refrigerator easily with the addition of side-by-sides openings.

Deep Refrigerator

Hitachi fridge price in Bangladesh is a good choice for long-term storage. It provides ample space for ice creams, meat, seasonal dishes, frozen veggies, and other foods.

Transcom Digital sells a range of top brands such as Samsung, Hitachi, and Whirlpool with internal volumes that range from 110 to 710 Liters.

The most important part of choosing a deep refrigerator is selecting the proper dimension. An excellent way to ensure you don't buy a fridge that's too small or too big is to calculate how much-frozen meal you will store at once.

A 140L Deep Refrigerator and 210L Refrigerator are ideal for tiny homes. However, if you need ample storage space, a larger 510L Deep Refrigerator or a 710L Long Refrigerator might be the best choice.

Temperature controls that are easy to adjust based on what you store can control the internal temperature. The removable baskets also make it easy to store and retrieve your frequently-used items. With pattern defrost; your refrigerator will operate at its best.



# Samsung fridge price in Bangladesh
